Value E-Kids Education

Today our schools are concentrating on delivering academic achievement to the students. Less concentration is given to their personal behaviour. The attitude of today’s young generation made us think twice that the implementation of value and moral education is a must for the youth. Even the behaviour of the youth towards the elders in discourteous ways is really worrisome. From the child hood onwards parents & teachers should give proper guidance. E-Kids is committed to implement E-KIDS LIFE SKILL COURSES to make the students aware about the importance of value education from the prior stages of development.
1 | BULLYING | Bullying a common problem that happens to many people – young people and grownups. Bullying is when people hurt or upset you being cruel, threatening you, calling you names, spreading rumors about you, making you look silly or even just ignoring you. E-Kids focus on understanding bullies, Tips for dealing with bullies, what does bully means, are you a bully? Etc. |
2 | DEPRESSION | We all feel sad, depressed or down at times, when people or problems, upset us. It’s when these sad feelings stay with us for a long time that they can cause serious problems. Depression is the word we use to describe these sad feelings when they won’t go away. E-Kids teach children how to deal with sad feelings or depression by telling them what to do and see what happens. |
3 | STRESS | Stress is you feel under pressure, have too much do , or too many worries. Lot of young people has stress – because of school and exams, because of friends, or because of problems at home. There is more stress around these days because life is much busier for everyone. E-Kids focus on Tips for beating stress, Things that can be stressful, how stress affects you, analyzing real life situation. |
4 | RELATIONSHIPS | E-Kids focus on what is relationships, types of relationships, behavior in relationships, positive relationships and negative relationships. And how to overcome negative relationship |
5 | FAMILY FARE | E-kids focus on Families, Family Types, Feelings and Family changes, & Roles, Rights and Responsibilities and Relationships. |
6 | CHILD EDUCATION FOR PARENTS ( PARENTAL CARE) | This module is exclusively for the Parents who become aware of the role that should be played by the parents as a guide not the makers. We educate ourselves as a doctor, engineer & lawyer. Do we educate ourselves as a parent? We welcome, all the parents of the participants, come and join with your children during the final day of presentation to play your role very positively in your child’s valuable future. |
7 | COMMUNICATION | Communication is when ideas, thoughts or feelings are exchanged between people. Talking to other people is the most obvious form of communication. But amazingly , most communication is ‘non-verbal’ meaning that we send ideas, thoughts or feelings to other people without using oral language. |
8 | DEALING WITH THINGS | Going for Goals, Skillful teamwork, coping, problem solving |
9 | EMOTIONS | Dealing with emotions, Positive emotions, negative emotions |
10 | FAMILY VALUE | The family, Family Types, Feeling and Family Changes, Roles, Rights, Responsibilities and Relationships |
11 | PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION | Self Esteem – How you feel, Body Image, Positive and Negative Self Esteem, Feeling good about yourself, Influences on self esteem. |
12 | SCHOOL | Coping with new school, Teachers & You, Bullying |