E-kids Scientific Processing Skill

Stimulus Science Process Skills intend to focus on the learning process, to develop students’ skills in understanding, the knowledge or conceptsindependently, discovering and developing necessary facts, concepts, and values.
The purpose of this research is to identify the development of students’ science process skills (SPS) on linear motion concept by utilizing simple computer simulation.
Current Scenario
Nowadays, science and technology has developed rapidly. Technology development has an impact on the development of learning methods and media, particularly in the use of computer and the internet. The use of information and communication technology (ICT) will make the learning process more interesting and challenging, facilitatingthe teachers and students in teaching-learning processes. Because of that, ICT can deliver information simply and quickly. In a broad-spectrum, the use of computer media by teachers in schools is restricted to Microsoft Power Point program to enhance students’ understanding of the concept. Therefore, the skills gained by the students are merely memorizing skills. It is in line with learning, tends to be based on memorizing the theories, without utilizing the students’ experiences. On the contrary, the most important point in learning is improving a wide range of skills that can be used to solve problems in the real-life situation, such as science process skills (SPS).
Science process skills are skills that focus on the learning process to develop students’ skills in understanding the knowledge or conceptsindependently, discovering and developing necessary facts, concepts, and values. Science process skills are a learning approach that integrates science process skills into the system of integrated material presentation [8, 9]. The learning approach is not only transferring knowledge, but also emphasizing on the process of scientific inquiry. In this learning approach, the teacher acts as a facilitator, who guides and manages students’ learning activities, so that the students can construct necessary facts, concepts, and new values in their lives independently.
Learning model applied by teachers in secondary schools, both junior and senior high schools are 70% lecturing models (transfer of knowledge), and the rest are discussion, demonstration and experiment models with the percentage of 10% for each model, respectively.