Language Skill Development
- Speaking Skill
- Writting Skills
- Grammatical Skill
- Dyslexia Solution
- Spelling Solution
- Phonological Skill
- Diagramming Sentences
Innovation in English Speaking Skill Ability
By introducing an unique concept of “Train The Trainer; Test The Learner”, we have introduced a new innovative digitized curriculum which makes sure that the teacher understand the concept and train the students innovatively in order to make the student communicate effectively; no matter the efficiency of the teachers in the subject.
Current Scenario
- Most of the Schools in India are focusing on academics, only for scoring marks not for skill. They neither have time to think about skill development among students nor does teacher have interest towards it.
Every parent has the dream of their children to study well and more importantly to face the challenging-world with confidence. They expect their children to speak good English as a medium of communication to showcase their talents, achieved in Academics. Upper & Above middle class parents are achieving their goal very easily by sending their children to the best English schools and also spending and concentrating more at home to sharpen their kids’ skill. However the Middle, Lower class parents and rural areas parents are struggling to achieve their goal. Though the parents are sending their children to middle class English medium schools, the result is far from reality.
These kinds of Schools are facing acute shortage of quality English speaking subject teachers. Most of the time, they depend on the traditional way of learning and teaching method, that is GRAMMAR BASED.
To overcome all the issues, E-KIDS has decided to bring an unique curriculum which should bring a result rather than just teaching at the same time we need to use the locally available resources. Our ENGLISH PROJECT makes sure to bring an assured unique, innovative curriculum to schools and our SPOKEN E-KIDS ENGLISH ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY make sure that our objective and goals are met professionally.

An award winning, 100% result oriented, innovative, cost effective, goal oriented Computer & PSYCHOLOGY based spoken English skill development curriculum for institutions in order to bring unique branding by bringing an unique speaking skill ability among the students and teachers.
Innovative Creative Writing Program for School Children
Our Creative Writing Program, recognizes the essential role of the literary arts in the life of our culture, and the importance of creative writing in helping our students to develop their own powers of expression, empathy, critical reading and thinking. We are committed to provide a learning experience that enhances our students’ creative, literary, and professional lives; to build a community of writers, scholars, and critics; and to develop productive relationships between the creative writing community and our university, our region and our society.
The necessity of creative writing
There are seven reasons why children should write stories (these reasons, of course, also apply for writing poetry):
- To entertain
- To foster artistic expression
- To explore the functions and values of writing
- To stimulate imagination
- To clarify thinking
- To search for identity
- To learn to read and write
With these compelling reasons in mind, it is hard to justify not making creative writing an important part of the elementary school classroom day. It is important that the reasons for writing be made clear to administrators and parents, who may automatically categorize creative writing as merely frivolous play, something akin to recess.
While writing certainly should be enjoyable, and children should have opportunities to choose their own subjects and methods of writing, the importance of creative writing in developing children’s cognitive and communication skills cannot be underestimated

The program centred around a craft-based approach to creative writing, uses a combination of traditional studio workshops, lectures, seminars, and literary study to help students acquire the tools of good writing, and to allow them to develop their individual voices within the long conversation that is the literary tradition. E-Kids provides lots of innovative ideas to children to bring the best outcome.
Innovative Grammar Skill Development
Grammar lessons have the unfortunate reputation of being boring, and teachers have the unfortunate job of overcoming this stigma. By considering grammar from different points of view, teachers can overcome stereotypes, and students can begin to appreciate the power of language. Examining grammar through the lenses of math, art and humor, innovative teaching methodologies can inspire even the most apathetic students.

An innovative, goal oriented Grammar project which gives an opportunity to every student to understand the fundamentals of grammar thoroughly and also improve grammar skill and application ability without using any paper or pencil. Psycholinguistic and Mental Observation techniques will be effectively utilized to bring the best outcome which enables the learner to understand and use the grammar once and for all for his life time.
Innovative Solution to Slow Learners or Dyslexia
It has been estimated that 10 to 15 percent of all children who are of school going age suffer from some type of learning disability with only a small percentage of that group privileged enough to receive some form of remedial therapy. A child with learning disabilities usually has deficiencies in the basic academic skills of reading, writing and spelling; these three skills are interlinked, with problems in one affecting the child’s abilities in any of the other two.

E-Kids Remedial English (ERE) is to establish whether there is improvement in the reading, writing and spelling skills of learning differently abled children, where innovative computer based E-Kids Activity Based Learning (E-ABL) teaching techniques are used for remediation.
Innovative Solution to Spelling Errors and improvement
If you were to ask kids to name their most hated subject, most of them would say spelling, surprisingly not math. Many children struggle with their spelling words and the repetition of writing the words over and over doesn’t seem to help. This leads many children to become frustrated and to giving up. At some point, a child may even ask, “Why do I have to learn spelling words?” Learning spelling words is important to your child’s future. Spelling words help lay the basic foundation that your child will need throughout his education and life.
Spelling is important because it aids in reading. It helps cement the connection that is shared between sounds and letters. Learning high frequency sight words also has been shown to help with both reading and writing. This is why students learn sight words during their early years. Spelling and reading also have a common factor, proficiency with language.
Bad spelling also gives others a bad impression on you. No matter what you say, if the spelling is poor, the reader will notice this before anything else. Punctuation errors often go unnoticed, but everyone notices spelling errors.
As your child gets older and progresses through various grades, he or she will have to write reports and papers. Instructors at all grade levels, including the university level, will grade harshly on poor spelling. This will invariably affect your child’s grade and possibly determine his future success in life.
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Many spelling bee programs challenges students in spelling but at E-Kids, We provide intensive educational therapy for K-12 students struggling in reading, spelling & writing, Our innovative individualized instruction is highly specialized and uses a diagnostic approach to identify academic weaknesses, allowing us to target them in an intensive manner.
- Targets the most frequently misspelled words
- Focuses on specific sources of spelling errors
- Builds writing and vocabulary skills
- Makes every student a better speller