E-Kids Explorer - Primary

An innovative project based ICT curriculum for Primary School Students

A specialized E-curriculum has been designed by E-Kids exclusively for Primary Schools. The curriculum will be implemented throughout 3 Terms. Built around a scope and sequence of 1000 learning objectives in ten key technology areas. The academic year curriculum containing 36 interactive project-based adventure-themed lessons for each standard spread across 3 Terms. Projects that are linked with language arts, social studies, math and science content, E-Primary promotes active student learning in the following technology areas:

  • Operating Environments
  • Databases
  • Word processing
  • Spreadsheets
  • Graphics
  • Internet
  • Multimedia
  • Programming
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Applied Technology

Each standard contains a comprehensive Teacher Guide, Sample students projects and project template for the students to practice. The E-Curriculum is similar to a set of electronic books containing teaching ideas. We call these ideas as projects and the instructional approach is Project Based Learning.

Each standard contains a comprehensive Teacher Guide, Sample students projects and project template for the students to practice. The E-Curriculum is similar to a set of electronic books containing teaching ideas. We call these ideas as projects and the instructional approach is project based learning.

Project Based Learning is a unique approach to teach technology skills. In many classrooms students learn how to use the computer by completing lessons focused on a software application, such as Introduction to Word Level-1. This lead lack of interest for students and does not meet their individual needs.

With our approach to learning, students complete fun projects that focus around problem solving tasks. Students learn Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills gradually as they complete activities such as publishing a magazine, creating a multimedia storyboard, or developing a website. Project Based Learning is personally meaningful for students. This is because everyone in the class is learning the same technology skill, however within the boundaries of the project each student can select a topic based on their interests. The projects are mainly focused on General Knowledge theme. There are so many projects in the E-Curriculum. Each project in the Curriculum contains a teacher’s guide, student’s workbook, and Project and resource files. Explanation of each item follows

Teacher Guide is a set of instructions about how to complete a particular project. A typical teacher guide consists of a project overview, preparatory steps, teaching strategies, lesson plans, learning objectives, assignments, answer keys, review questions, skill review, and extension activities. The teacher guide can be printed or viewed digitally on a monitor.

Student Workbook is a collection of assignments that include step by step instructions with pictures to explain how to complete a task. The student workbook can be printed or viewed digitally on a monitor.

Resource Files are digital files needed to complete project activities. The resource files include customizable handouts, sample files, templates, book marked Internet Favorites, and flashcards. Sample is exactly what kind of output expecting from the student. And template is where student can start up the project.


Computer / ICT Concepts are explained to the students.


This module will help the students’ sense of adventure. Your Students will be part of a team that’s assigned with a particular mission. The technological focus will be on desktop publishing and operating environment, in which the basics of using the mouse and keyboard will be taught. Academic focus will be on language arts.


Students have natural interest in drawing and using colours, and this deserves attention. In the junior artist module your Students learns to use sophisticated software tools for creating and printing digital images. This technological focus will be on graphics and word processing, while the academic focus covers social studies and language arts.


It’s one step ahead of he built-it-yourself sets that Students spend hours on. Here your Student learns to schedule and sequence activities-one of the prime requisites of engineering. Technological focus will be on spreadsheets and academic focus will be on science, mathematics and language arts.


In this module, your Student will take on the role of a doctor, and learns the basic concepts of the human body health. Through some fascinating projects your Student will be taught data manipulation and programming. Academic focus will be on science and language arts


Cartoons have always fascinated Students in the way they come alive and do the funniest of things. With this module your Student will actually create and animate an original cartoon character! Technological focus will be on multimedia and academic focus covers mathematics, science, social studies and language arts.


  1. Academic portion is taken from the school curriculum without any deviation.
  2. For younger children there is a basic skill activity, which prepares them for the thematic activity.
  3. Graphics are widely used for better presentation.
  4. Each lesson has a different academic portion giving a wide scope to broach on the subjects.
  5. All lessons are fun-filled, age-appropriate and progress gradually grade wise.
  6. The lessons encourage creative thinking.
  7. Inbuilt lesson up gradation i.e lower grade students can do different lessons when they advance to next the next grade / STD in the next Academic year.