Spoken E-kids English

An award winning, 100% result oriented,  innovative, cost effective, goal oriented computer and psychology based spoken English skill development curriculum for institutions in order to bring a unique branding by bringing an exceptional speaking skill ability among the students and teachers.

“Raise your students on par with the international standard”

“Be proud for the way your students speak English with international accent”

Current Scenario

  • Today, academics are focused more on marks than the actual skill involved. Schools and parents tend to push the students to score high marks by any means (which involves mostly memorizing), and aren’t keen about the understanding level of the students.If we look at the outcome of this approach, we tend to witnessthat many students who are studying in English medium and with English as a vital subject, spoken English among these children is really a challenging task for students of those parents who do not speak English at home, apparently.
  • In a school, where most of the studentsremain the same, the teachers are differentevery year. Different teachers use various pronunciation styles.  Teachers come from varying geographic localities and bringing a consistent standard among the teachersposes to be a big task. And finally, students have no clue as such regarding the pronunciation to be followed; finally, they adopt the pronunciation which ever they find comfortable. Teachersemphasis on proper pronunciation is less in general.
  • Schools are following English books which traditionally focuses on grammar; very little focus is given on spoken English.
  • The examination system in English language focuses primarily on written stuff that involve grammar only or the lessons dealt with prose is memorized by children and gets replicated on paper.
  • Even the teaching of grammar seems to involve a lot of technicality rather than the real life understanding from the students’ perspective.
  • English language is viewed differently by different medium of schools. For any regional language medium of school, English is viewed as a single subject in the curriculum, for English medium schools, it is viewed as a medium of instruction and subject as well. For international or Anglo medium schools, it is considered as a subject, medium as well as aculture on its own

Our Innovation

  • Spoken English in its true form is quite different from the kind of English we learn at school. What we learn at school comprises of written English and not spoken English as such. Generally, at school, we don’t get to learn the real difference between the two forms of English.
  • Our Innovative SPOKEN E-KIDS ENGLISH program makes sure that the students use a new way of learning English by using computer & psychological approach without deviating from the original English accent. The focus is on Skill Development apart from learning English grammar in fun filled ways.


  • Consistency & Uniformity: The innovative teaching and processmodules of E-KIDS techniques makes sure that the students learn, read and speak English with a unique international accent across all the regions irrespective of their geographic localities, of the local teachers’ accent, of the types of schools, of different boards and of school infrastructure.
  • Best Methodology: E-Kids Methodology Vs Traditional Methodology
  • Training with inbuilt 3rd Party Assessment:With the help of our innovation and “Train the Trainer; Test The Learner" approach, each student is assessed by specially trained, young women examiners from the rural sector and,tele-testers from the corporate office make sure that the objective is met professionally.
  • LessUtilization of Time with More Productivity: 5% ofinput in the given periods can influence 95% of the remaining periods.


  1. Will bring unique branding for schools with the way the students speak English with unique international accent.
  2. Proven E-Kids Skill Development Method
  3.  Innovative & Fun filled
  4.  Being implemented in more than 100 schools as a regular curriculum
  5.  Computer based method to avoid Instructors’ pronunciation differences and makes sure that consistency is followed among learners
  6.  Child Psychology based approach
  7.  Reading Skill Development
  8.  Listening Skill Development
  9.  Spoken English Skill Development
  10.  Spoken English through innovative rhymes
  11.  Explore & Discover mode to improve vocabulary
  12.  Question & Answer mode for reinforcement
  13.  Learning Phonics & Practicing
  14. Improving thevernacular using mouth gymnastics
  15.  Story composition & narration
  16.  Consistency & Result oriented
  17. Every session has well defined learner objectives and outcome
  18. Scientifically designed curriculum
  19. Scientific Data Analysis for evaluating the students’ performance
  20. Identifying the slow learners and special curriculum solutions being offered to improve the slow learners.
  21. Students’ performance analysis can be converted into markseasily and allotted to English Skill Development like any other subject, and can be listed in the Students’ Progress Report.


  1.   Speech-Generation Techniques.
  2.   Habit-Formation Techniques.
  3.   Mouth Gymnastics.
  4.   Speech-Flow Techniques.
  5.   Pattern Techniques.
  6.   Word-Fusing Techniques.
  7.   Conversion Techniques.
  8.   Functional & Situational Techniques.
  9.   On-the-spot speech composition Techniques.
  10.  Information packed Techniques