E-Kids Maths Lab

An innovative computer based self-learning program that helps the child to improve his / her skills in fundamental mathematical concepts using computer graphics and animation, which gives an opportunity to every student to understand the fundamentals of mathematics with the help MONTESSORI CREED.

The E-KIDS MATHS LAB program develops students’ skill on fundamental mathematics with the help of Montessori approach, using computers. “EXPLORE from the fundamental to the complex mathematical problems and EXPERIMENT them with the new innovative E-Kids’ E-ABL & Montessori creed and EXPERIENCE the power of mathematics skill cultivated in the mind of your child .”


The current scenario of teaching mathematics at school level focuses on a progressive manner; however, does not have the in-built flexibility for slow, medium and fast learners. The main reasons are lack of time, difference amongstudents’ understanding capabilities, lack of time for teachers to teach the fundamentals of mathematics and lack of individual student attention given.

For some people, certain food causes allergy.  Similarly, for some students, mathematics poses an allergy. To get relief from such allergic conditions and at the same time to create a condition wherein students begin to show interest in doing problems in mathematics, E-Kids has developed E-KIDS MATHS LAB with the help of Montessori Creed to make sure that the studentsunderstand the mathematics concepts thoroughly and practice more in their own pace.


There is only one single formula in this aspect to improve students’ mathematics skill, which is “THE MORE YOU PRACTICE, THE MORE YOU EXCEL”. But students do not like to practice more problems in their work books or notebooks. They do hate doing things again and again. To bring interest among the learners, E-Kids has developed E-KIDS MATHS LAB, focusing on fundamental concepts, using computer graphics and animation, with challenging tests. These lessons are called digital lessons. In built E-Test / Quiz program is a part of the digital lessons. Montessori concepts have been incorporated along with ICT.


Keeping in mind the current scenario, E-Kids has developed specialized curriculum for Mathematics called E-KIDS MATHS LAB. The details of the curriculum, implementation and impact are in the Annexure (will be given to School Management on request.)


  • Understanding Fundamental Mathematics
  • Digitized Montessori approach
  • Activity based Play way method
  • Application Oriented
  • Comprehensive Inbuilt Testing
  • Real time problems with solutions
  • Class / Age Appropriate
  • Improves Concentration
  • Improves Mathematics Speed
  • Designed for slow, fast and medium learners

Impact :100% assurance of students’ Mathematics solving skills, concentration and speed improvement.


E-KIDS MATHS LAB is a computer based self-learning program that helps the child to improve his / her fundamental skills in mathematics concepts using computer graphics and animation. These lessons are called digital lessons. Inbuilt online test / quiz programs are a part of the digital lessons. Montessori methodologies are incorporated into E-KIDS MATHS LAB to enable students to understand the fundamental concepts of mathematics.

E-Kids’ digital transformation will positively impact the learners’ enthusiasm, pedagogy, grades, general knowledge, value systems, ICT skills, communication, management and the school image, globally.

Each digital lesson is structured into objectives, learner outcomes, contains built-in tests, digital manuals with simple navigation for sifting through the text and animations.

The animations will help the students to understand the most complex mathematics concepts in a matter of minutes and in the process, transfer the knowledge to most of the other students in the class. The interactive interface ensures that the student is not learning passively by listening to someone, or viewing ready-made solutions, but learning by answering questions in progressively increasing complexity levels.

Students tend to find certain Mathematics concepts confusing and the understanding levels are not the same for each child. Repeated failure to solve sums leads the child to lose interest in the subject. The core concept of E-KIDS MATHS LAB is the practical way. Students learn at their best when they control the pace of their learning and doing. Every student has his / her own pace of learning and doing. There have been several successful experiments conducted worldwide on this. E-KIDS is inspired by various such experiments.

The key advantage of E-KIDS MATHS LAB is the fact that it successfully integrates the power of new technologies to strengthen learning. A Teacher / Parent / Student can decide with ease, to which problem to be served up to a student next, based on her/his scores in the current problem and the problems answered previously. The student not only learns at her/his pace but can clear his / her doubts with the help of appropriate explanations wherever needed. The system can identify when a student needs help to understand a concept, and proceeds to give her/him explanations that will help her/him to move ahead.

The purpose of E-KIDS MATHS LAB’s inbuilt E-Test is to make sure,students solve a certain amount of problems in a specified timing.  In this aspect, students are asked to score 50 marks in 30 minutes of time. In the normal mode of solving problems using paper and pen, students may score an average of 15-20 sums in 30 mins.  However, in E-Test, the can double the accuracy and timing. However, a written test for all the students will be conducted in order to monitor the student’s mathematical improvement with the aid of E-KIDS MATHS LAB Program.

The lessons consist of modules, which offer schools, greater flexibility in their selection and usage.

Module 1: Numbers (from STD 1 to STD- 6)

Module 2: Measurements (from STD 1 to STD- 6)

Module 3: Shapes (from STD 1 to STD- 6)

Module 4: Algebra (from STD 1 to STD- 6)

Module 5: Geometry (from STD 1 to STD- 6)

E-Kids will categorize students as Fast Learners, Medium Learners and Slow Learners based on the marks scored in each lesson. E-Kids will implement different strategy plans for each category and if necessary provide different curriculum to bring a consistence among learners.

E-Kids put slow and medium learners in lower grades for a particular topic and asked them to complete the lower grade lesson and then ask them to do their regular lesson.  However fast learners can do higher grade lessons and go beyond.

For e.g., if we take standard-5 students,for fractions topic, we can place slow learners in to standard 3 or 4 in order to understand the concept thoroughly and then ask them to proceed with standard 5 lessons of fractions.  For fast learners, after finishing the standard 5 of fractions, we can place them in standard 6 or 7 or 8. However if the students are smart enough in finishing all the lessons, E-Kids will provide more problems with an increase in the difficulty level.